
Well the snow came, it fell, and oh God, was it a pain to move.  Even if the gym was open, I must admit I don't think I would have felt to energetic to play.  It was a bummer with the cancellation, but oh well.

 I will be out of town next week, so have fun next week.  Feel free to send me your candidates for all-star team consideration.  Perhaps, I can get a poll up next week for voting.

Wishing all of you a Safe and Happy Holiday and a Healthy New Year.  See some of you next in the 30 yr and over town sponsored gym.

Enjoy today's highlight below. 

What about Bob?

A more normal turnout...24 or so.  MIA...Cole (hope you are recovering from the injury), Mark, Murph, Charlie, Ronnie, Big Mike Jr, Big Jeff, Andrew, Keith. (probably missed a few others.  Well as you will see below, Bob had quite the highlight reel with breakaways, blocks, game winners.  Quite impressive.  The rules seemed to be full integrated with no major issues.  Nearing the season end, so we need to start thinking about the Lloydy Awards.  (All-star team, novelty awards, etc.)

Enjoy the photos and videos.  (sorry for the delay).

Bob the Legend....what a day!!!

The breakaway.

Ready for lift off.

Lift off.

The look back!!
Showing the guard skills.
The signature shot.

Gene and Ez showing the form (VIDEO)

Joe the Post(man) (VIDEO)

You can't stop him.....

You can only hope to contain him.
Big John!!!

The form

Big Joe showing the form.
Other Joe trying to scare him.

Some game highlights

Paul and Ray.

Paul feeding Big John.

A pair and a 3 of a kind.

A full house put the 3 win game rule in effect.  Ang, said there were 32, I thought I only counted 27 or 28...didn't think there were 2 plus teams waiting, but it do move along well.  MIA...Big Mike, Mark, Charlie, Big Sean. 

The Rules seemed to get absorbed pretty quick with no major issues, although I believe the offense needs to call the foul before the ball hits the rim!!!

I would like to nominate Gene for the block of the year.  Impressive, although they both ended up on the floor.

Reminder....we play till 10:30 am so if you want to get more games in stay till then.  With a "random" big turnout day, you can still get your fill by staying.  Just a thought.

Enjoy the photos and 1 video.  Scroll down to the Rules Meeting for this week's.  I will leave it at that for this week.  Pretty tired.

Nothing but net.

Men call this "K"netting. Nice work guys. Thanks.

Video Highlight (I use that term loosely)

Dancing with the stars...

Even Joe is perplexed!
I know I was.

For my next trick....

Joe showing
"The magic man"
 his skills.

Home Improvement....

If Wilson
(Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor's neighbor)
played today, this is what it
would've looked liked.

Larry (non-Customs)


Now departing...Air.....

The wizard of ez, Air Ez.

Air Steve.

Taking it in....


Big Keith

The pull up.

Rules? I don't need no stinking rules. (just kidding)

Just returned from the rules meeting.  Hopefully they will be published on Sunday.  You may agree or not agree with all of them, but keep in mind we are all there to have fun and play the game of basketball we all still enjoy after all these years.  Anyway, I think it was a good idea to establish some common rules to give some guidelines for consistant play and issue resolution, so I personally want to thank Angelo, Mike, and Joe for organizing this and for the emails people sent to Angelo with ideas. All were reviewed.  Also, thanks to the Commish (Wayne) for making a celebrity appearance.  

I was beginning to wonder if this was just an excuse to go out and have some drinks. (See evidence below!)  Note:  no basketball funds were used during the rules meeting, although my request for an appearance fee was considered, but voted down!!!

See you on Sunday.  Blog should be back in full force on Sunday.

The Wizard of Ez.

The pre-Thanksgiving turnout was a little light, but not bad.  22 today so the MIA list is longer today and too much to remember who wasn't there, although I do recall Mark not being there.

Now to the yellow brick road.....Unconfirmed reports had Ez scoring all 9 points for a win in one game.  I was on the team and lets just say "En Fuego!!!" 

Enjoy the short videos.  Seems like I can't capture anyone actually scoring on most of them.  Oh shy I guess. 

A few photos as well.  Much hard to take cause I didn't have much of a break in between games. "older posts" at the bottom right to scroll all the way back to last week.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Have a great week and enjoy the holiday.

The blog will be limited next week as I will not be there.

Video - Fabian (Magic City!!!)

Video - Big Steve

Video - Shooter Mike (klank!!! unlike that reverse backward shot)

Video - Paul on the break

Video - Big Mike with the hook

The return of Big John

Showing the shooting skills.

Showing the dribbling skills.

Showing the passing skills.

The break

Fabian finishing the break.

Showing the D.

Gene showing the D.

Big Mike and Tank Top Joe.

Joe trying to steal the board.

Mike out of nowhere.

Mike taking the J on the big court.


Steve going is long.

Patent Pending in 7 states. 
Steve with the signature money shot.

Giving the backboard a rest.

Murph (See Murphy's Law)

Sweet Lou going long.

The Great Wall of Cole and the Big Post.

Steve getting a bird's eye view
of the Great all of Cole.
Sean showing us his "post" skills.

Know who you are posting against.
Now what?

Down the lane

Paul bringing it.

Will not be denied.

Take off.

And yes it did go in.

Don't Pressure the inbounds!!!

Well it seems the rules committee is busy figuring out the inbounds rule. Good luck with that. About 25 today. MIA Big John, Charlie, Ray, Bob, Mike Jr. Kam, Adrian, Ronnie, Ron, and probably a few more.

Lots of controversial calls. I guess the lose and you are off is putting more pressure on the games. Granted I should have stayed home today, but oh well.

A few pictures below to enjoy.....scroll through to last week. Click on "older posts" if you don't get to last weeks.

And a few videos....finally.  I will get better ones in the next few weeks.

Enjoy....I am tired so I will let the pictures entertain you. Have a good week.

Thanks Ranger Joe for helping out with some of the photos, Hope the foot is ok.

last video

More video...


Air Lou.

Lou showing his "Air Lou" form. 

100m Dash

Gary in the blocks.

Big Mike

Is this one of those
street high fives?

Showing the muscle.

Showing the hook.

Gene's Driving School.

Changing lanes.

Crowded traffic.
Open Highway.
The follow thru!