Foggy morning, but oh so sunny and clear....Inside!!!

Loving indoors.....the clear skies and perfect temperature, although the ball ending up out the door a few times doesn't help.  Back to the day....Turnout of about 27 today with "the commish" unfortunately going down with an injury early.  Hope it's minor and you will be back sunday. 5 teams in the rotation today and the random team selections turned out ok after a slight adjustment to one team who averaged the 4 of the tallest guys and Sean and no he didn't balance it out.  Mike A. returned from taking the summer off and was in quick form with some deep shots.  Impressive, although he was thinking how much better people have gotten.  I think the key is normally when we start up indoors, its after a few months off, but not now....straight from outdoors to in, is keeping the games more intense and the middle is quite crowed.  KG (yes its KG, not KJ) was throwing up some crazy highlight shots along with Larry's newly patented runner off the glass (or metal) being quite effective.  Unfortunately my photographer did not get up till after the games were over so no pictures.  Might be a firing soon!!!  MIA today....Johnny and Paul B.  The key summary for the day is any controversial calls....."Choose It".   Disappointed that I didn't get to play Bob the Legend's team....not as fun chatting it up inside with Customs....He was on me like glue today....Nice D and my pick for defensive player of the day!!!  Enjoy the week and see you Sunday and a speedy recovery to "the commish".

PS.  What was with Fabian's bank shots from deep?  He is so confused without that 3 point line, but still effective.  Hopefully you don't have to move till after the season.  Oh yeah, speaking of patented shots....Jun....couple of sweet rainbows in the first game!!!

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