A pair and a 3 of a kind.

A full house put the 3 win game rule in effect.  Ang, said there were 32, I thought I only counted 27 or 28...didn't think there were 2 plus teams waiting, but it do move along well.  MIA...Big Mike, Mark, Charlie, Big Sean. 

The Rules seemed to get absorbed pretty quick with no major issues, although I believe the offense needs to call the foul before the ball hits the rim!!!

I would like to nominate Gene for the block of the year.  Impressive, although they both ended up on the floor.

Reminder....we play till 10:30 am so if you want to get more games in stay till then.  With a "random" big turnout day, you can still get your fill by staying.  Just a thought.

Enjoy the photos and 1 video.  Scroll down to the Rules Meeting for this week's.  I will leave it at that for this week.  Pretty tired.

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