September 26, 2010

Enjoy this weeks photos.  Hope to be pin free by thursday.  See you then.

Cup of Joe.

Big Joe...Carrying the team.
 Always showing the form.


Levitating Ball

Nick makes the ball float.

The "Right" Stuff.

 The break

The finish.

Jeff with the feed.

In traffic.

Shooter Mike and Lou

 The finger roll.

The corner.

The J.
Sweet Lou


Charlie's back.

Ray Show

 Enjoy the show!!!

Do Over.

Big Jeff on the break. 

Whoops.  Again!!!

Swarming D.

Knicks Joe swarming.

Lou swarming,

September 19, 2010

Enjoy the photos.....Also, scroll back to the bonus Thursday coverage of opening day. First and last day of coverage....not staffed to handle Thursdays!!!

Can you say Jabbar?

Big Mike.
 He is liking the hook.


The Quick.

Taking the J.

The break.

The machine.

1) Load....

2) Pull trigger.

Repeat 1
Repeat 2
Repeat 1
Repeat 2


 The lefty.


Wizard of Ez.

 The Ez hook.
off the steel.

Magic Man.

Magic City.

More magic.
Down the lane.


 Make it rain.

More showers.

Mr. Post

Not exactly posting!

Bonus Thursday coverage (Opening Day) - September 16, 2010

 Tommy Gunn

Big Jeff on the reverse

Nick sweeping!!