Sign Up time period has come to an end....

This Friday, 05/23, marks the end of the Summer registration period. Only PAID players will be allowed starting Sunday, 05/25.

Please send a $45 check to LRMB PO Box 636, Matawan NJ 07747. NO ONE CAN PLAY IF THEY HAVE NOT PAID. We do not have the volunteer manpower to maintain partial payments and the 
visitors rule.

Emails will only go out to the paid list.

Check the web page:

Remember the lost & found on top of our locker.

Thanks for your cooperation

The committee members
Tom, Bill, Marlon 

  • "The idea is not to block every shot. The idea is to make your opponent believe that you might block every shot."--Bill Russell

Mothers Day- We are filling up......

Hello All,
We are playing Mothers Day...get the "run" in early and wish all the Mothers Happy Moms Day...

This session is filling up quickly- REMEMBER:WE WILL CLOSE THE DOOR AT 50 PLAYERS. This session will close registration on Monday May 19th.

We have eliminated the "guest rule"(no visitors). No partial pays.(no one has volunteered to maintain both programs)

The next session start on Sept 1.

Please sign the one time waiver-Bill Gallagher has all the paperwork.It is on the web page also:WWW.LLOYDBASKETBALL.COM.

NO CASH!!!!!!!!!!! Send $45 check made out to Lloyd Road Men's Basketball(LRMB) - PO Box 636 - Matawan NJ 07747

THIS IS LAST GENERAL EMAIL- new emails will only go to PAID PLAYERS.

please remember to check the "Lost & Found" on top of our locker........

committee members

Winning is overrated. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war.
Al McGuire