Lloyd Road 2015 Winter Session starts Sunday 1-1-15


Lloyd Road Basketball 2015 Winter Session starts Sunday, 01/11.

Cost for 2015 Winter Session is the same as our previous session,  $60.00. For 2015 Winter Session we'll also be playing four times/week; Sunday morning, Tuesday night, Wednesday evening, and Friday evening.

2015 Winter session will run through May 09, the Summer session from May 10 through September 12, and our Fall 2015 session from September 13 through January 09, 2016.

For the next four weeks, 01/11 through 02/07, we be conducting a "closed" registration, where all players who have played in the last year are eligible to register. All others, "new" players, will be placed on a waiting list until the "closed" registration ends. Starting Sunday, 02/08, registration will be open to everyone if we haven't reached our player limit. During the "closed" registration period, "new" players will be allowed to play on Tuesday and Friday, our low attendance sessions.

New for 2015 is "open" gym on Tuesday and Friday, our low attendance sessions. For $5.00 each Tuesday/Friday players not registered for the 2015 Winter Session will be allowed to play. Maximum cost to a player would be $40.00, after which the $5.00 for each Tuesday/Friday is waived. Note: Players participating in our "open" gym have to complete and sign a registration form.

Attached are Lloyd Road Basketball Registration form, Insurance Waver information, and Basketball Rules. Please complete sign and mail with your check to LRMB. Signing the registration form indicates your agreement to the rules, and that you have read the insurance waver form.

Our preferred method of payment, is for you to mail in a check to LRMB.

             Lloyd Road Men Basketball
             PO Box 636
             Matawan NJ 07747

If you choose to bring in your payment please bring in the completed/signed registration form and a check, our preferred method of payment.

For the ones who have already paid, please complete/sign and turn in the registration form.