Over the Backboard

7. On an unsuccessful field goal attempt, the ball hits the basket ring and rebounds over and behind the face of the backboard. The ball returns to the floor and touches inbounds without having touched any of the backboard supports. Is the ball to remain in play? No. A violation shall be called on the last team to touch the ball before it went directly behind the backboard. The ball is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in at the free throw line extended. RULE 8 - SECTION II - b
8. Player A1 has control of the ball near the endline and passes the ball behind the backboard (never touching the supports) to Player A2. Is this legal or illegal? Illegal. Same reason as #7 above. RULE 8 - SECTION II - b
9. On an unsuccessful field goal attempt, the ball rebounds off the basket ring and rolls along the top edge of the backboard. Is the ball still in play? Yes. All four sides of the backboard are considered inbounds. RULE 4 - SECTION I - c
10. Player A1 passes the ball and it hits his backboard. May Player A1 be the first to touch the ball? Yes. A player may be the first to touch his own pass, or shot, if the ball touches his basket ring, backboard or another player. RULE 10 - SECTION XIII – g

Lloyd Road Men's Basketball - MARCH

Following is the "current"March" Gym schedule for Lloyd Road. See attached WORD document for a calendar view of month's schedule.


      Note: Gym availability is subject to change, we'll provide an update

                 as soon as we know of any changes. Please check for any updates

                 prior to leaving for the gym.


      Note1: Gym doors, from court yard, will be locked ~ 9:00 PM. This will

                ensure no access to the gym once we leave. Please keep this in

                mind if you step out to the court yard or to your car, as someone

                will have to open the door so you can reenter the gym.


Spring recess, Easter break, runs from Friday, March 25, through Friday, April 01. We are trying to negotiate a couple of days during this period where we'll be able to play ball. We'll keep you informed.


        Sunday (7:00 AM - 10:00 AM) – "NO GYM" Sunday, 03/27

                                                                  Gym available 03/06, 13, & 20

                                                                 "Sunday" – 03/27, Easter Sunday


       Tuesday (8:00 PM - 10:00 PM) – "NO GYM" Tuesday, 03/29

                                                                  Gym available 03/01, 08, 15, & 22

                                                                  "Tuesday" – 03/29, School Closed


 Wednesday (7:30 PM – 10:00 PM) - "NO GYM" Wednesday, 03/30

                                                                   Gym available 03/02, 09, 16 & 23

                                                                  "Wednesday" – 03/30, School Closed


           Friday (7:30 PM - 10:00 PM) – "NO GYM" Friday, 03/25

                                                                  Gym available 03/04, 11, & 16

                                                                  "Friday" – 03/25, Good Friday